1. Demonstrated knowledge & understanding of a body of ecological theory (10pts).Theoretical Ecology: Assign. #2 – Winter, 2017-18 2 2. Demonstrated grasp of the evolution of an ecological theory through comparative analysis, testing and rigorous exposure of strengths and shortcomings SWV . 3. Demonstrated ability to organize and present logical argument, synthesized information, and theoretical construct in clear and succinct writing (10pts). 4. Evidence of originality & creativity in the use of secondary ecological knowledge. (5pts).Write a paper of at least 5,000 words, making use of models and graphics to illustrate the theory, its evolution, predictions and limitations; and tables to compare the applications and testing of the theory in various experiments and ecosystems. Cite references according to scientific journal format (Author, Date), and provide a list of all references cited.Be meticulous about citing the sources of information used in writing your paper. Material (e.g. equations, model outputs, figures, graphs & tables) lifted off the www and not properly cited will cost marks.
theory – optimal foraging theory